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Introduction to Slack
Module 4: Final Assessment and course conclusion
In this module, you will:
put your course knowledge and skills to the test through a final assessment
1) Take the final assessment test per instructions
2) Read the course conclusion
Final Assessment Test:
Test Instructions:
Please use your full first and last name when beginning the quiz. Other usernames or nicknames of any sort will not be accepted.
Things to remember:
This test is a summation of everything you have learned in the previous modules. The previous module quizzes should have prepared you for this assessment. This test includes 13 questions and can only be taken once. A score of at least 70% or at least 10 questions answered correctly is required to pass.
Course Conclusion:
Thank you for completing this course! You learned:
what Slack is
Slack's uses and workplace applications
Slack's interface and how to navigate throughout the app
how to create a private message
how to create and reply to a message in a thread
how to create your own channel
how to check your activity and notifications
how manage your notifications
What now? It's time to put these skills to practice with your organization and start collaborating with your team! Keep up the good work!
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